Marshall headphones have a wide range of headphones and earphones with a great modern look, yet they still have some retro design elements from their famous guitar amps.
Even though they are a high-quality brand and make a very reliable product, they are not immune to problems and defects. We’ve looked at how durable Marshall headphones are, now let’s dig deeper.
These problems can range from minor to severe, but there are solutions for many of them.
1. Issues With The Volume & Soundproofing
Marshall Headphones are great for listening to music at high volumes because they have large drivers, which help produce excellent sound quality despite their small size.
There are many instances where the volume goes down after a few months or years of use.
Some headphone parts are made from plastic materials that can oxidize over time and cause leakage after a while.
The two most common areas where this occurs are at the headphone jack/cable jack and inside the ear cups.
You may want to consider purchasing a new set of headphones as they will be less prone to oxidization problems than those manufactured a long time ago.
2. Stability & Durability Issues
Stability and durability problems with Marshall headphones are common, but you can avoid those by simply buying a pair of headphones designed to last.
Marshall is a well-known manufacturer of high-quality audio products.
Many of their products have excellent reviews and ratings from customers.
They are considered one of the top headphone brands globally, and they offer a wide variety of headphones for every genre, including studio headphones.
Even if you purchase a Marshall headphone from an official Marshall website, it is not guaranteed that it will be quality or fit your needs.
It is straightforward for someone to sell a fake product on the internet, so you should always buy your product in person.
3. Headphone Controls Not Working
If your Marshall headphones aren’t working as they should, you can perform a few troubleshooting steps to fix the problem. If the headphone controls aren’t working correctly, check the following:
Make sure there is no dirt or sweat on the buttons that could be preventing proper contact.
For wireless models, confirm that your device has Bluetooth on and is connected to your headphone.
If that still doesn’t work, you might need to clean your connection ports:
Open up your headphones and take a close look inside — you should see a small hole in each button that leads to a spring-loaded switch underneath.
If something has gotten stuck there, use an object like a toothpick or a pin to clean out the area. Once you’ve cleared out any debris from inside the controls, try them again to ensure they work properly.
4. Poor Audio Quality of Marshall Headphones
The most common problem with Marshall headphones is a drop in audio quality. This usually happens because of a poor connection between the cable and the headphone jack.
You need to check whether there is a loose connection between these two points. Tighten them if required. If there is still no improvement in audio quality, try replacing the cable.
You can easily buy replacement cables for your Marshall headphones online. A faulty cable can often be the reason for the poor audio quality of your headphones.
5. No Sound in One Headphone
Check to make sure the headphone cable is fully plugged into your audio source. Pull on the headphone jack gently to ensure it’s firmly in place. If your headphones have an inline volume control, ensure it’s not turned down or muted.
Check for any damage to the cable near the jack with an eye for tears or frays.
Check for sound from your other headphone to determine if there’s a problem with the audio source.
If you hear sound from only one side of your other headphone, you’ll need to replace your audio source (for example, if you’re using an iPod, try listening to another device).
If both sides work on the second pair of headphones, there is something wrong with your original team, and they will need to be repaired or replaced by Marshall.
6. Problems with Connectors & the Wiring
If your headphones are not working, the first thing you should do is make sure that your audio device is turned on and that the plug is correctly connected to the jack.
Check the jack on your device for dust or other debris that might be preventing the connection from being made properly.
You may also need to try another pair of headphones to verify that the problem does not lie with your audio device rather than with your headphones.
If you have verified that the issue lies with the headphones and not your device, it may be due to a faulty plug. Try cleaning the plug according to manufacturer instructions; if this does not work, contact Marshall for further assistance.
7. Sound Cuts Out
If your sound cuts out intermittently or only comes out of one headphone, it is probably due to a loose connection or faulty drivers.
You can fix this by swapping out the audio jack and ensuring that both ends of your cable are plugged in firmly and correctly.
If this doesn’t work, you may need to replace your drivers.
If you’re using them on a computer, check that your headphone jack is fully inserted into its audio port.
You may also need to check your computer’s audio settings — if another audio device is selected as your primary playback device, it could cause issues with your Marshall headphones.
8. Earcups Too Tight
If the earcups on your Marshall Headphones are too tight and keep falling off, don’t panic! Look at the quick release function on both sides of the earcup’s headband.
The key is to make sure both sides are in the same position.
If one side is slightly lower than the other, your headphones will fit tighter.
You can also stretch your Marshall headphones in the same way as shown below:
Check that both sides of the headband are in sync — if one side is slightly loose or tight, adjust it until it’s even with the other side, and you should be good to go.
9. Incorrect Charging/Charging Problems
A common problem with Marshall headphones is that some models will not turn on or charge when plugged into a power source.
Faulty cables or adapters or, in more extreme cases, a fault within the headphone itself could be the cause.
If your headphones don’t turn on, the cause could be a broken cable or adapter. This can happen if the cable is stretched too far or pulled out of the headphone jack without being unplugged first.
You can purchase a replacement cable online at many retailers, including Amazon and eBay. If the problem is actually with the adapter, then you will need to look into purchasing one from Marshall directly.
10. Microphone Doesn’t Work
The microphone on a pair of Marshall headphones only works if your cell phone supports it.
If your phone doesn’t help with a remote and microphone, the microphone on the headphones doesn’t work.
If you have an Android device or an older iPhone model that doesn’t support remotes, the mic won’t work.
General Pros And Cons Of Marshall Headphones:
- Long battery life
- High-quality sound
- Plenty of power for bass
- Comfortable fit
- Noise cancellation
- You can use it on flights
- Difficult to connect with the microphone
- No volume control on the headphones
- Uncomfortable after a long listening session
- Sometimes too small for people with large heads
- Expensive
Marshall headphones combine the company’s iconic look with a powerful sound. The company produces several different styles of headphones available in various colors.
Marshall headphones have some common problems, ranging from their tendency to fall out of your ears to their failure to work.
Fortunately, you can easily solve most problems with Marshall headphones.
Pc Magazine: Marshall Major 3 Bluetooth Review
Marshall HEadphones Support: Troubleshooting Major 2
Amazon: Customer Review OF Marshal Major Headphones
Sound Guys: Why Do My Headphones Sound Bad