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Why Do Podcasts Play In Reverse Order? (Easy Fix)

If you’ve discovered a new, exciting podcast and want to listen to it from the start, you’ll need to adjust some settings so that the Podcast app doesn’t automatically play in reverse order.

Luckily, you can do this for every podcast so that the change doesn’t affect your current podcasts:

Here’s Why Podcasts Play in Reverse Order:

By default, a podcast’s episodes are listed from the most recent episode to the oldest. Unfortunately, this order is set by default. However, you can adjust this setting by selecting the order you prefer in the app’s settings menu. Sequential order makes it easier to listen to new podcasts.

How Do You Reverse The Order Of Podcast Episodes?

First, open the Podcasts app and search for your favorite podcast, then proceed as follows:

  1. Go to the podcast’s description page, tap the options button, and select Settings.
  2. Then, select the order you want the podcast to play in in the Episodes section.
  3. Also, if you prefer hearing the show in its original order, choose Play in Sequential Order.

What Is The Default Order Or Podcast Episodes?

By default, a podcast’s episodes are listed from the most recent episode to the oldest. Fortunately, you can quickly change this setting; it will only take a few minutes.

However, Apple’s Podcasts app will first display the most recent show episode.

Why Does My App List Podcasts In The Wrong Order?

Unfortunately, this order is set by default. However, you can adjust this setting by selecting the order you prefer in the app’s settings menu. 

Additionally, podcast episodes are shown in sequential order by default on iPods.

If you want to change this setting, create a playlist in Apple Podcasts, arrange the episodes in whatever order you prefer, and sync them to your iPod.

Can You Lock Your App To Show Episodes Chronologically?

You can set up your podcast app to display episodes in chronological order.

Doing this ensures that you’ll hear each episode chronologically when you play a new podcast.

You have to locate the “Episodes” section within the settings menu and pick your preferred option. You won’t have to search for old episodes with this new setting.

Also, if this does not work for some reason, there is another option. Then, select Custom Settings instead of Play in Sequential Order. Then, in the Episode Order section, choose Oldest to Newest.

What Is The Most-Common Order People Listen To Podcasts?

Generally, most people prefer to listen to podcasts in sequential order. 

This order makes it easier to listen to new podcasts without spending time scrolling to find the pilot episode.

Can I Organize The Podcast Episodes As I Wish?

You can organize podcasts episodes in any way you wish. 

To organize podcast episodes, tap “↓↑” on the podcast page and choose your preferred option.

You can pick from the following options:

  • Episode Name (Z → A)     
  • Episode Name (A → Z)
  • Release Date (New-Old)    
  • Release Date (Old-New)
  • Duration (Short-Long)
  • Duration (Long-Short)

Each option selected will rearrange the podcast episodes in a descending or ascending order.

What Is The Most User-Friendly Podcast App?

There are several podcast apps available.

All these podcast apps essentially serve a similar purpose: allowing you to listen to your favorite podcasts. However, there are a few minor differences that set them apart.

This section will examine the most user-friendly podcast apps for Android and iOS platforms.

Apple Podcasts:

Apple Podcasts is the most user-friendly podcast app on the iOS platform.

It has a lot of impressive features. Pre-installed on all iOS devices. Apple podcasts also have a native app for macOS and tvOS.

Thanks to the LTE streaming support, Apple podcasts offer one of the most convenient ways to listen to podcasts on an Apple Watch, especially when you’re not near your iPhone.

This app also does an excellent job of recommending new and exciting shows. However, we wish this app had a “social” component similar to Apple Music.

“Listen Now” displays episodes you haven’t finished listening to and added one-off episodes.

The library will display a list of every podcast episode you recently subscribed to, while Browse allows you to search through the Apple Podcasts directory by top charts, featured, and category. Furthermore, you can search for shows using the “search” tab.

On Apple Podcasts, synchronizing unwatched episodes and playback positions across devices is a challenge. It’s a bit of a mystery why Apple hasn’t figured this out. 

If you intend to use Apple Podcasts, we recommend doing so only on an iPhone and possibly an Apple Watch.

The ability to create “Stations” is one of the most underutilized features of this Podcast app. You can find this feature in the Library section. You’ll see the New Station option if you tap the Edit button.

This feature allows you to create playlists of podcasts that Siri can trigger. You can create a “Morning News” station for listening to morning shows like Up First, The Daily, etc.

We’d like to see Apple implement more social features like following friends, sharing show snippets, etc.

If you prefer the default Apple experience on iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS, you should use Apple Podcasts. It lacks a few advanced features that other apps provide, but this app holds its own.

The Apple podcast app is a good choice if you want a user-friendly experience.

Breaker Podcast App:

Breaker is one of the innovative apps available. Breaker integrates social capabilities into its app. You can follow friends on Breaker to see new shows they’ve subscribed to, what podcasts show there, and shows they “favorite.” 

You can also leave comments on shows you’re listening to, which your friends can see. This app also shows episodes that are gaining a lot of attention.

If you’re a podcaster, you also can “claim” your show so that listeners who tune in can “follow” you and engage with you further.

This feature, in my opinion, is an excellent way to expand the community. Breaker also allows podcast hosts to make money from their podcasts within the app.

The overall design of Breaker is good. The app includes the option to “skip silences” to speed-up episodes and playback speeds of up to 3x.

Breaker is currently one of the unique podcast apps of all the apps I’ve tried. If you’re tired of your current podcast app, you should undoubtedly give Breaker a try. It’s available for free on the Play Store.


Spotify is most likely the second most popular podcast app on Android and iOS platforms.

While it lacks some of the features of the other apps, it is doing some exciting things with podcast episodes and playlists. 

However, the features Spotify currently offers can be improved. If you are already a premium Spotify subscriber and want everything in one app, you should consider using Spotify for podcasts. 

Pocket Casts:

Pocket Casts is another well-known podcast that pioneered storing your feeds on a server so that refreshing is quick and has little impact on battery life, and almost all apps now do the same.

Pocket Casts is simply stunning in terms of design. It has a trim silence option, multiple playback speeds, and a voice boost option. Pocket Casts’ playlist section is one of the most robust and well-designed available anywhere.

Pocket Casts also has an impressive user-friendly directory layout. Pocket Casts’ directory is visually appealing, making it simple to discover new shows.

Pocket Casts’ directory is visually appealing, making it simple to find new shows.

Final Thoughts:

You can easily adjust podcasts playing in reverse order in the app’s settings.

Whether you’re new to podcasts or a seasoned listener, it’s critical to be able to organize, manage, save, and listen to all of your favorite podcasts. 

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