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How Long Do Mitsubishi TVs Last? (We Checked)

The reputable Japanese company, Mitsubishi, may have ceased production for their TV sets, but if you or someone you know owns one, you might be wondering how long it will last.

Armed with the secrets of maintenance and replacement parts, you can extend the lifetime of your Mitsubishi TV.

Average Lifespan Of A Mitsubishi TV

With proper maintenance and the occasional need to replace tired or faulty parts, a Mitsubishi TV can last 15-20 years. 

The DLP lamps used within these TVs can last up to 7,000 hours, but you can easily replace them.

This era of Mitsubishi TVs is comparable in terms of quality and lifespan to their rivals at the time despite relying on technology that the modern market has since disregarded.

RELATED: General Problems With Mitsubishi TVs

What’s The First Thing That Breaks On Mitsubishi TVs?

When it comes to Mitsubishi TVs, a likely issue you may encounter first is a malfunctioning or broken lamp.

A clear indicator of this problem is signaled by the appearance of a steady red or steady yellow status LED light on your device. 

If this is the case, it’s time to order a replacement part.

Additionally, if you hear a ‘POP’ sound while watching your TV, your lamp has likely failed.

Do Mitsubishi TVs Last Longer Than Average TVs?

When considering the lifespan of a Mitsubishi TV, it’s crucial to understand their use of DLP rear-projection technology, rather than the now well-known LCD, LED, Plasma, and QLED models that have dominated the market.

There is no evidence to suggest that Mitsubishi TVs outperformed competitors in production; however, Mitsubishi models typically outlast the average TV in terms of longevity. 

This is because replacement parts, especially decent DLP lamps and color wheels, are abundant. 

Replacing Mitsubishi TV parts and components allows these units to last 15-20 years, outlasting a typical smart TV. 

How Long Do New Smart TVs Typically Last?

A good estimate would be around 60,000 hours of continual use. Of course, it’s fairly unlikely that any one of us would use their TV in such a manner.

Depending on usage, this would roughly equate to 7-13 years. 

One key variable to consider when considering the ultimate mileage of new smart TV is how long the manufacturer will decide to support the operating system. 

Your best bet is to always team up with a reputable brand.

However, in the world of modern TV sets today, seven years is generally considered a decent lifespan.

How Long Is The Warranty On Mitsubishi TVs?

Mitsubishi TVs come with a 1-year warranty as standard. 

It’s also worth noting that Mitsubishi has stated that they will continue to provide support and parts for their models.

You can always contact your reseller for a prolonged period of warranty. They often offer packages that will prolong the period.

What Are The Most Popular Mitsubishi TV Models?

Although the days of the new RPTV (rear projection television) and DLP (digital light processing) are over, Mitsubishi reigned supreme during its time.

Below are some of Mitsubishi’s most renowned models:

1. Mitsubishi WD-82738 3D DLP HDTV:

With an 82-inch screen, 2D and 3D immersive capabilities, this model caused quite a stir. 

2. Mitsubishi WD-73737 home theater DLP HDTV:

Mitsubishi fitted this energy-efficient TV with 5G, allowing it to convert low-res signals easily. 1080p coupled with 120Hz sealed the deal. 

3. Mitsubishi WD-73642 3D rear projection TV:

This home cinema satisfied consumers with its immersive 3D 1080p experience.

Some have said it came to define the 3D home theater benchmark.

4. Mitsubishi WD-65738 Full 3D HD Rear-Projection Internet TV:

This rear projection TV granted internet access and surrounded sound, a universal remote control, and apps for you to download. 

5. Mitsubishi WD-65C9 Flat Panel DLP Home Theater:

Featuring a 1080p display, the ability of dual screen, 3D entertainment, 3D glasses, and 12-bit processing, this 65-inch TV had gamers hooked to the screen.

What Can I Do To Prolong The Lifespan?

Prolonging the lifespan of your Mitsubishi TV is all about maintenance, replacing parts, and treating your set with care.

Here are some top tips to remember if you want to ensure your TV set goes the distance.

1) Avoid Turning On and Off Your TV In Quick Succession:

This may seem like an obvious one. You might be wondering why anyone would want to turn on and off their set so quickly.

However, young children have been known to get trigger happy, rapidly switching sets repeatedly. 

Once your TV is switched on, always allow around 15-20 minutes to warm up before switching it off again.

2) Avoid Build-Up Of Grime and Dust to Accumulate:

Dust and grime can be a killer for your TV, and the reasons are clear.

A build-up of dirt that gets inside your set and coats your components will damage its lifespan. 

If there’s dust on the outside of your TV, there will be dust on the inside.

Regularly wipe down your TV with a cloth. This simple maintenance will always pay off.

3) Do Not Handle the Lamp With Bare Hands:

If you need to examine the lamp inside your TV set, please remember to handle it with a clean, non-abrasive cloth. 

Our bare hands are coated in natural oils, and while these are good for us, it’s a TV lamp’s worst nightmare.

The residue left on the lamp from oily skin will create overheating, which can cause irreparable damage, such as cracks or even shattering the entire component.

4) Limit Excessive Movement:

Sometimes we have to move our TV sets. It’s unavoidable, but it’s important to remember that by doing so, we risk damaging the TV and therefore reducing its lifespan. 

If you find yourself in a moving house or rearranging your living room, always try to limit the vibrations and sudden movements.

Excessive movement, knocks and bumps, and intense vibrations can potentially lead to the misalignment of internal components.




Always ensure good ventilation around your TV to avoid the risk of overheating.

5) Be Careful Replacing Parts:

Mitsubishi TVs indicate issues via a LED status light. Depending on color and pulsation, you can troubleshoot which component malfunctions or needs replacing. 

As mentioned earlier, a common replacement part may be the DLP lamp. 

The good news about Mitsubishi TVs is that there are many interchangeable components. 

As explains:
“By removing a few screws you are easily able to replace the color wheel and the lamp of your rear-projection set, quite possibly extending its life by years.”

A quick search on Amazon reveals replacement lamps are available for under $100. 

Follow these simple steps to replace your lamp safely:

  • Disconnect the TV from the mains and allow one hour before beginning the procedure
  • Locate the lamp compartment on the back of the TV and remove the cover.
  • Using a screwdriver, loosen the screws that secure the lamp cartridge (keep screws safe).
  • Very carefully remove the old lamp cartridge
  • Place the lamp cartridge inside the bag that will have come with your replacement lamp. Be aware not to spill any glass fragments while doing so.
  • Install the new lamp cartridge, but ensure you do not handle any glass parts. 
  • Press the cartridge into the slot until it is firmly secure.
  • Retighten all screws and wash hands thoroughly due to mercury on the lamp. 

A new bulb should restore your TV to its original quality and increase the unit’s overall lifespan. 


Does Mitsubishi Make TVs Anymore? 

Mitsubishi Home Cinema Basic Owner’s Guide 

Mitsubishi pulls the plug on rear-projection TVs 

How to extend the life of your DLP 

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