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Microphone Problems With GoToMeeting? (9 Solutions)

There are multiple reasons why your GoToMeeting microphone might not be working.

The good news is that there are several different solutions available if your microphone is not working properly with GoToMeeting.

Below we will go through some of them one at a time so that you can try each option until one of them works for you!

1. Microphone Muted In Your Operating System

Sometimes your microphone might be muted in your Operating System (OS), which will prevent GoToMeeting from having access to the microphone.

To check this setting, you can follow these steps:

  • On a Windows PC,
    right-click on the speaker icon in your system tray on the bottom right and choose “Recording devices.” This screen should show you all of the audio inputs available to your computer.
    Ensure that you have one microphone enabled, and that it is not muted by clicking on it once and then looking at its details.
  • On a Mac,
    go to System Preferences > Sound > Input.
    Ensure that there is an “input volume” slider available for a microphone here—if there is not one, you may need to enable or install a microphone in order for GoToMeeting to find it.

This is also the most common microphone issue with Zoom.

2. Microphone Disabled In GoToMeeting

If you find that your microphone is disabled in GoToMeeting, this means you’ve chosen to prevent the app from accessing it.

Check that your microphone isn’t muted by clicking the microphone icon in the toolbar.

Then check whether “Microphone” is checked: if yes, click on it to uncheck, and click on it again to re-check.

The icon should turn blue when selected.

[It looks like recent changes to MacOS (Catalina) have changed how permissions work for programs – including GoToMeeting. If you’re having trouble getting GoToMeeting to access your mic or camera.]

3. Microphone Is Not Set As Default Audio Device

Your microphone might not be working correctly in GoToMeeting if it is not set as the default audio device in your computer’s speaker and microphone settings.

The process for setting a default audio device varies by the operating system, so we’ll walk you through how to do it on

Windows and Mac:


  • Click on the Sound Control Panel icon.
    (It looks like a little speaker.) You can find this icon in your System Tray, which may be located at the bottom right of your desktop or on top.
  • Select Recording Devices,
    then find your microphone and select Set Default.
  • If you don’t see any devices listed under Recording after clicking Show Disabled Devices, right-click on an empty space and make sure Show Disabled Devices is ticked.
  • If you don’t see any devices listed under Recording after doing this, check that your microphone is plugged into your computer.
  • If it still isn’t showing up after checking these things, try rebooting your machine.


  • Click the Apple logo in the top left corner of the screen and go to System Preferences > Sound > Input.
  • Find your microphone here and change the default input source to it (unless this is already selected).

Note that if you’re using a USB headset or microphone, make sure it’s plugged into one of your computer’s USB ports before following these instructions!

4. Your Microphone Is Not Plugged In Or Is Set Up Incorrectly

If your microphone is not plugged in, GoToMeeting cannot detect it. Check the device that you are using to see if the microphone is set up and connected properly.

Even if your microphone is plugged in, GoToMeeting may still not recognize it for a variety of reasons:

It may be configured incorrectly or disabled in your operating system’s audio settings. In this case, GoToMeeting will use its default device, which could be the computer’s built-in microphone or another device attached to the computer (e.g., a webcam or speaker).

It may not have been set as the default audio device in Windows’ Sound control panel (Windows 7 and older) or Settings menu (Windows 8 and newer).

5. Check The Speaker Configuration

You may be using the wrong audio device or the device is configured incorrectly. The wrong microphone can result in poor sound quality, even with a high-quality external audio device.

To resolve this issue, check your speaker configuration:

  • On the GoToMeeting Home window, click the Audio tab.
  • Click the Configure button on the right side of your microphone selection box. This will open up a separate Test Computer Audio window.
  • In the Test Computer Audio window, make sure that your speaker and microphone are set to System Default, and then click Test Speaker and Microphone.
  • If you hear a series of descending tones, you should be able to hear other attendees just fine during your meeting!

To check your speaker configuration in Windows Vista and Windows 7:

  • Select the Start button, then select Control Panel.
  • Click Hardware and Sound, then click Sound.
  • In the sound dialogue box under the Playback tab, check if you can see “Speakers High Definition Audio Device” with a green tick mark next to it. If you cannot locate Speakers High Definition Audio Device or any other device listed there with a green tick mark right click on space in the playback tab and select the Show Disabled Devices option from the context menu options list to make all devices visible at once as shown above image. You may also use the search feature provided by windows within the control panel dialog box to find Speaker High Definition Audio Device by typing its name in the search box as shown above image.

6. The Volume Of Your Microphone Is Set Too Low In GoToMeeting

In order to adjust your microphone’s volume in GoToMeeting, please follow these steps:

  • Click the Audio tab at the top of your meeting window.
  • Click on the drop-down menu under “Microphone” and select the correct microphone from the list. If you don’t see it, click “Refresh List” and try again.
  • Move the slider for “Microphone Volume” all the way to 100%. If this doesn’t work, try increasing the volume in Windows as well by following these steps.
  • Click on the ‘Advanced‘ tab, then click on ‘Test Mic Settings.’ This will prompt you to record a brief clip for testing.

Note: It’s important to know that Macs have a unique process for adjusting audio levels.

7. Check Your Webcam Settings

If you’re using an external webcam with GoToMeeting, launch the application and check whether it has been configured properly in settings. Set it up if not. If you’re using an integrated webcam with your computer or laptop, go to Device

Manager and make sure that it has been configured correctly.

In some cases, you may need to check your webcam settings in GoToMeeting to make sure the correct device is selected.

Here’s how:

  • Launch GoToMeeting.
  • Click on the Preferences icon in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
  • In the menu bar that appears, click Audio & Video Setup.
  • Select your microphone from the list of devices and click OK to save your changes.

8. Update Or Reinstall Your Audio Drivers (Windows)

If you’re having trouble with audio playback, try updating your audio driver. Updating your audio driver may resolve a variety of issues.

To update your audio driver:

  • Install the latest Windows updates.
  • Press the Windows key and the X key together and choose Device Manager from the menu that appears.
  • Double-click Sound, video and game controllers in the Device Manager window. Right-click the sound device name and select Update Driver Software….
  • In the window that opens, select Search automatically for updated driver software.
  • If Windows finds a more current driver than what you have installed, it will install it.

9. GoToMeeting Virtual Driver Gets Stuck

First things first, let’s try reinstalling the virtual audio driver.

Click the Start tile on your desktop.

Click Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Manage audio devices and devices that play music or sound. Right-click the speaker icon, click Install Device Software and select the latest version of the drivers available from Microsoft.

After you’ve done this, restart your PC.

Next up is GoToMeeting. To try reconnecting to that session, go into the Start menu > Programs > All Programs > GoToMeeting system software and click Contact Support.

After a response has been received by email, you’ll be asked to log back in with your GoToMeeting account (if you used it before).


Now that you’ve tried those first five solutions, it should be clear whether your microphone is having issues with

GoToMeeting or if the problem lies elsewhere. If the first five solutions didn’t solve the problem, though, don’t give up hope! Try these last four.

If none of these nine solutions work for you, there may be other problems at play. Your best bet at this point is to contact GoToMeeting Support and ask them directly.


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