MacBook Air comes with a microphone useful for iChat, Skype, video recordings, and most video conferencing software.
It is essential to test the microphone to ensure it is working correctly.
If you have a Macbook Air that does not recognize the built-in microphone, this is an easy-to-follow guide that should help fix the problem.
Step 1: Click The Apple Menu
- Click the Apple menu, which is located in the upper-left corner of your screen.
- Select System Preferences from the drop-down menu that appears, or click it when it appears in your Dock (if you’ve recently used it). The System Preferences window should open and look like this:
- In the “System” section of the window that appears, click Sound (it looks like a white speaker).
- You should see several tabs at the top of the window; select Input (it has a microphone icon). A list of available input sources should appear on your screen, with a slider underneath each item on this list to adjust its volume level. If you don’t see any items listed here, try connecting headphones or an external microphone to your device and then checking again—the only possible source of sound besides your built-in microphone is through an external device connected via a jack or Bluetooth connection.
Step 2: Choose Sound From The System Settings Menu.
- Click the Sound icon in the System Preferences menu.
- Select Input, and then select your microphone from the list. If it’s not there, check if it’s plugged incorrectly.
Using the slider at the bottom of this screen, make sure your input volume is at least halfway up. - You can also choose to show a sound meter, which appears in your menu bar as a spectrum of colors that change based on how loud you are being (green is good). Use this to ensure you have a proper level set for recording or chatting over video call services like Skype or Google Hangouts.
Step 3: Switch To The Input Tab.
One thing that many people forget to do is test their microphone before they start recording something. You can test your microphone by going to the “input” tab on the top right corner of your screen. Just choose the input you want and test it out.
If you’re using a headset make sure to also check out the volume control.
Step 4: Look For The Input Level Slider.
You should see the Input volume slider. You’ll notice that you can adjust it from 0 to 100%. That’s how you can test your Macbook Air microphone. Adjust it and start speaking. Your Macbook Air microphone is working great if you can hear yourself and the bar is showing healthy signs of picking up sounds.
The microphone may be broken if you don’t see the volume bar move when you speak. If this is the case, skip ahead to the last step.
Step 5: Speak Into Your Microphone.
Your voice should be clearly and easily understood when you speak into your microphone. If it’s not, there may be an issue with the hardware itself or possibly with the software on your computer.
You can check for problems with the software by rebooting your Macbook Air and attempting to re-record something after you’ve rebooted it.
Step 6: Adjust The Slider.
You’ll see a slider on the pop-up window, which is the microphone level control. Adjust the slider so that its level is at about 75% of the maximum value.
Speak into your computer’s microphone and see if the Input Level meter moves as you speak. You should also see a green light appear next to the slider.
Step 7: Perform A Secondary Test.
Now that you’ve confirmed your Mac microphone isn’t stuck or muted, it’s time for a second test. You’ll want to use your Mac computer’s built-in microphone again and confirm it is still working.
You can use several free applications to record sound on a Mac, including Skype and Zoom. The Voice Memo app is another good option if you don’t access these programs.
On Skype, open the application and click the “Call” button at the top of the screen.
Whether you’re familiar with using video calling software or new to it, this will be useful in determining whether your Mac microphone is working correctly or not.
You’ll either see yourself or another person on the screen once you connect with them (or yourself).
Consult your caller after completing the call and ask whether they could hear you clearly during the conversation or audio test. If everything went well, then congratulations—you just fixed your Macbook Air microphone.
Six Reasons Your Macbook Air’s Microphone Isn’t Working.
Here are the possible reasons why your Macbook Air’s microphone might not be working:
- You may have muted the microphone. If you see a yellow light on the device, that means that it’s been muted. To fix this, double-click the Mute button on your keyboard.
- Your device may have low input volume. Open System Preferences to change this setting—the app will give you instructions from there.
- The microphone may be set to a different input than its actual one. Once again, open System Preferences and follow their instructions to change this setting.
- The physical microphone itself may be damaged or defective—if this is the case, you’ll need to send it in for repair or get a new one altogether. (We don’t recommend this unless absolutely necessary.)
- A physical object such as dust or dirt might be blocking your microphone’s input port; if this is the case, use compressed air to clean out any debris and then try testing again.
- A software object such as an app might be “listening” through your built-in mic without your knowledge—this could include anything from Apple’s own Dictation feature to third-party apps with access privileges for listening through audio hardware like Skype or Zoom.
Can You Use External Microphones With A Macbook Air?
Yes, you can use an external microphone with a Macbook Air. It’s easy to connect a USB microphone to your laptop for better audio quality.
If you’re in a noisy environment and want to be heard clearly, or if you’re recording in a quiet room and need the best possible audio quality, an external mic is a way to go.
An external microphone will make sure that even over all that background noise, your voice is crystal clear and easy to understand.
You don’t want just any mic though—you want one that’s specially made for digital devices such as laptops, tablets and smartphones. A USB mic is perfect (and simple!) because it plugs right into your device without needing extra software or cables.
Some microphones are compatible with multiple devices, so check out the specifications of each product before making your purchase.
In conclusion, the process of testing your Macbook Air microphone is simple and shouldn’t take more than a few minutes.
If you’re still having trouble, try the solutions in this article. If you need additional assistance, contact our tech team, we will be happy to answer and guide you as best as possible.
- Apple Support: Control Access To The Microphone On Mac
- Ifon: How To Test Microphone On Macbook Pro?
- Apple Tool Box: Macbook Microphone Stopped Working, How To Fix It?