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Why Is Audible Not Letting Me Buy? (5 Reasons + Solutions)

Audible’s enormous collection of audiobooks is as enticing as ever, and the titles are available for purchase whether you’re a subscriber to a membership plan or not.

However, it’s a big issue if you’re struggling to buy the audiobook that you’ve had your eye on.

In this article, we’ll take a look at the reasons why Audible is not letting you buy it and, better yet, how to solve your Audible purchase problems.

Man's left hand hold smart phone with Audible app open. Orange and blue background.

1. You’re Trying to Purchase an Audible Book Through the App

Apps make things simpler – or at least they should do. Audible’s app is actually pretty fantastic – it’s user-friendly, has some great playback features, and even allows you to download your audiobooks onto your device.

However, a recent update changed a fundamental facet of the app’s functionality and, unfortunately, this has meant that payment is no longer an option.

Here’s What you Need to Know About Audible’s App No Longer Allowing Purchases:

Both the Android and iOS versions of the Audible app will no longer allow you to purchase books, that function has been removed.

Purchases of digital products that are made with an iOS app are subject to a fee that must be paid to Apple.

Google Play also has made this their policy, and as of April 2022, Audible updated the app to reflect this change.

To avoid either putting this cost to the customer or taking the hit to their gains, Audible ceased in-app purchases for both iOS and Android users.

Audible app users can now only buy audiobooks with credits.

These huge changes only came into effect in 2022, so it may have caught you by surprise.

iOS app users noticed the change first, but Google followed suit, and soon after Audible explained that:

“Starting with the Audible for Google Play Android app version 3.23, purchasing titles with a debit or credit card in the app is no longer supported, whether you’re a member or not.”


Unless you’ve stayed in the know about Apple and Google’s payment policies, then the chances are you wouldn’t be aware of the changes that Audible has had to make.

It’s a real pity when a feature that was once in an app has to be taken out because of a third party, but there’s actually very little that you can do about it. However, this doesn’t mean that you cannot buy books on Audible.

If you’re an iOS or Android Audible user, you have two options available to make purchases:

  1. Use Audible credits to purchase audiobooks (Premium Plus Members Only).
  2. Purchase the book that you want using the mobile or desktop website.

To make a purchase with a credit, simply find the title that you want to buy and choose ‘Buy with 1 Credit’. Naturally, you need credits in your account available to spend, but if you’re a Premium Plus member, you should get at least one every month.

If you’re not a Premium Plus member and don’t have access to Audible credits, and thus, want to make purchases with your credit or debit card, then you’ll want to head over to the Audible mobile site.

Use the instructions below to make your Audible purchases.

How to Purchase Audible Audiobooks on Mobile Devices:

The only way for mobile users to buy audiobooks with credit cards is to switch out of the Audible app and open their web browser on their devices.

  1. Navigate to the Audible website.
  2. Sign into your account.
  3. Search for the audiobook you wish to buy.
  4. Tap the option to ‘Buy for $X.XX’.

2. You Entered the Wrong Card Information

Nobody likes to be called out when they make mistakes, but more often than not, payments failing on Audible are due to accidentally inputting the wrong information.

Your purchase on Audible will fail if the details that you enter on the payment page are incorrect.

Here’s what you need to ensure you get right:

  • The name on the card.
  • The card number.
  • The CVV – 3 digits on the back of the card.
  • The expiration date.

Once these details are correct, you shouldn’t have a problem purchasing that brand-new audiobook.

Please also read our article about Audible and Data Privacy.

3. It’s Necessary to Update your Card Details

If you’ve set up your Audible account with a default mode of payment, it is paramount that you ensure that the card that has been set to default is still valid.

Having a default payment method makes purchasing books fast and simple. Moreover, it eliminates the need to enter card details each and every time you find a book that you want to buy.

However, credit and debit cards expire and are reissued, and when this happens, it will no longer be possible to use the card you set as the default for online payments.

So if you’re using an outdated card as your default payment method on Audible, then your purchases won’t go through. If this is the case for you, you’ll need to change your default payment method to a card that’s still in use.

We have listed more problems with Audible here.

Here’s How to Change your Default Payment Method on Audible:

If you need to make changes via the Audible desktop site then follow the instructions listed below.

  1. Navigate to the Audible website on your desktop computer.
  2. Sign in and access your ‘Account Details’ page.
  3. Click ‘Manage Credit Cards’
  4. Select ‘Change default card’
  5. Now add the new card information, and you’re all set.

If you’re on the Audible mobile site and want to change your default card, just follow these instructions instead:

  1. Navigate to the Audible website via your web browser on your mobile device.
  2. Once you’ve signed in, tap the menu button.
  3. Now select ‘My Account’
  4. Choose ‘Change default card’ and input the new payment information.

4. Your Payment Failed because you Failed the OTP

When you make a payment through Audible, you may be required to complete an OTP (one-time password) in order for your payment to go through.

The OTP is an added security measure that helps prevent someone other than you from making purchases without your consent.

With OTP enabled on your account, you’ll receive a code to your mobile phone that has a one-time use and allows the payment to go through.

If you’re struggling with the OTP setting, then it’s possible to disable it using the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the Amazon website and sign in.
  2. Select your name in the top right of the screen.
  3. Open ‘Login & Security’.
  4. Now choose to ‘Edit’ your ‘Two-Step Verification Settings’.
  5. Ensure you ‘Disable Two-Step Verification’
  6. Follow the onscreen prompts that will grant you an Amazon Security code.
  7. Once the code is entered correctly, you’ll have successfully disabled any OTPs interfering with Audible payments.

Check out our easy solution guide to common problems on Audible!

5. Refreshing the Page is Not a Good Idea

When a payment is taking longer than expected, possibly due to a slow internet connection, it’s tempting to hit refresh.

However, you should never refresh the page whilst trying to make a payment for an audiobook with Audible.

Refreshing the page while your transaction is in progress can stop it from going through – and that means no audiobook purchase.

Be patient whilst making an Audible transaction, as your bank needs time to complete the process. Moreover, ensure you have a stable internet connection, too.

However, sometimes patience may not be enough.  Audible explains that occasionally:

“There is a problem in contacting your bank or credit card provider: Sometimes we may be unable to contact your bank or card issuer which can cause delay.”


Remember, an Audible payment is usually completed within 30 minutes, and once it is, you’ll receive an email with a confirmation of purchase. In a worst-case scenario, it can take up to 24hrs for a payment to be shown.

However, if you are still facing problems, then you should contact Audible directly and solve the issue with their customer support.


What should I do if I’m Experiencing Payment Issues?

How do I Buy Audiobooks?

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Buy Audible Books on iPhone

You can No Longer Buy Audiobooks on Audible for Android

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