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Can Guests In StreamYard Share Screen? (Read This First)

StreamYard is a browser-based streaming studio that allows users to create streaming content for many platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn.

The easy-to-use features on StreamYard have meant that interaction between content creators and their guests is simple and effective. One feature that is very important to both guests and hosts is the ability to their screens.

Here’s If Guests Can Screen Share In StreamYard?

Guests have the ability to screen share on StreamYard with a touch of a button. By finding the ‘Share’ button in the broadcast studio toolbar a guest can choose exactly what and how they wish to screen share, whether that be websites, videos, or slideshows.

Streamyard logo

The host will be notified that you want to screen share and then decide when they wish that content to be displayed.

How Does a Guest Share a Screen on Streamyard?

For a guest to share their screen in StreamYard they must first join their host’s stream.

Once you’ve been invited to become a guest in a content creator’s broadcast you should make sure you’re ready and set up in order to join.

To join a broadcast you’ll need the following:

  • A computer or laptop that has both a webcam and mic (this will allow you to interact with the host and other guests.
  • An open and updated web browser (Google Chrome or Firefox)
  • A decent internet connection (Taking part in a conference call relies on maintaining a steady and strong connection. It helps to connect directly to your router which can be achieved by using an ethernet cable and plugging it into your laptop/computer and the router itself)

Follow these steps to become part of the broadcast and then learn how to screen share your content with the host and other guests:

  • Use the link that the host has provided you with.
  • Once you’ve clicked the link you’ll be brought into their broadcast studio.
  • Ensure that you ‘Allow’ StreamYard to have access to both your webcam and microphone. It’s important to remember to select the correct microphone and camera. 
  • Type your display name into the provided form and then you are good to go.
  • Your host will be notified that you’re ready to enter the broadcast.
  • Wait until the host adds you to the broadcast. Once they do your page will refresh and you will be able to interact with everyone else who has been accepted.

So, now you’re in the broadcast and having fun with the host and the other guests why would you want to share your screen?

Screen sharing is useful because it allows you to provide your host and your fellow guests with the following:

  • Informative PDFs
  • Entertaining or relevant videos
  • Images that can help make your point stand out
  • A website that you’ve found that you feel the others should see
  • A slideshow that you’ve created that will provoke more detailed thought

Step-by-Step Guide to Screen Sharing on StreamYard

  1.  Find the toolbar at the bottom of the page from within the broadcast studio.
        • Broadcast studio is the page that you will be on once you’ve joined the host’s stream.
  2. Click the ‘Share’ button followed by the option to ‘Share Screen’.
        • This is exactly the same option that the host has too.
        • Don’t worry if once you select ‘Share’ you receive a list of share tips, just choose ‘Share Screen’.
  3. Next, a popup will show you three options that are available to you:
        • Your Entire Screen.
        • Application Window.
        • Chrome Tab.
  4. Choose the required option, but note the following:
        • The first option will display your entire desktop screen.
        • The second will grant you the ability to share an application, such as PowerPoint.
        • The third option will give you the option to display a website or a file from your computer.
        • Sharing a file is achieved by opening a new tab in your browser and then dragging and dropping the chosen file into a new tab.
  5. Click ‘Share’ and that screen will be ready to be added to the show:
        • Remember, only the host can choose to allow your screen to be shared, by taking these steps you will have alerted the host that you wish to share the screen and your host will make the decision if and when to share it with the other guests.
  6. You now also have the option to decide what layout your shared screen will be displayed in. You can use the layout features that you will find under the screen to adjust the appearance. There are four different layouts available:
        • Cinema
        • PIP
        • News
        • Screen
  7. To remove a screen share just click the tile that lights up blue.

Do note that you must use Chrome if you wish to screen share with audio as that is the only browser that is supported for this feature.

StreamYard also mentions a helpful tip for anyone who wants to make screen sharing as easy as possible:

“Screen sharing works best when you have two monitors. Two monitors make it easy to click from slide to slide while you’re still controlling the live stream on the other monitor.”

Can a Host Prompt Participants to Share Their Screen?

You may be wondering when you should go about sharing your screen whilst you are involved in a broadcast on StreamYard.

As you have seen, you are able to select to share your screen and wait until the host allows it, but it may be polite to wait until the host gives you a prompt to do so.

The host can give this prompt in two distinct ways:

  1. By directly asking over video and audio
  2. Messaging in the chat box

Your host may ask directly whilst they are speaking to the group as they stream. Perhaps they will ask all the guests if they have any relevant information that they want to share.

This gives you the opportunity to then follow the steps to screen share and allow your host to choose to share your screen with the group.

You may also be prompted by a message to share your screen via the private chat which you will see on the right-hand side of your screen.

Check out this blog about can OBS record audio and video separately? 

Can a Host Stop Screen Sharing at Any Time?

The host always has ultimate control within a broadcast. It’s their stream after all! So it stands to reason that the host can of course bring your screen sharing to an end when they feel the time is right.

Once they feel that the content that you’re sharing has come to a natural end or that it is time to move on and let other guests take their turn the host will choose to stop your screen sharing. 

The host stops screen sharing in the same way you can stop screen sharing. This is done by removing the screen share by clicking the relevant blue tile.

Can Multiple Participants Share Their Screen at the Same Time?

The only way that multiple participants could share their screens at the same time would be if the host arranges the panels to display multiple guests in the stream.

Similar to the way that you can screen share in a variety of visual formats, the host can choose to have more than one video panel displayed to all the guests. If the host has allowed those guests to screen share at the same time and they arrange the panels in a way that they are all viewable then it is potentially possible.

However, with more panels on the screen displaying content, those panels will be smaller and therefore not as easy to make out the content that each guest is trying to present. 

What Are the Most Common Issues When People Cannot Share Screen?

Whether you’re a host or a guest it’s embarrassing if the content you want to screen share with other members doesn’t quite come off as you had wanted it to. Technical difficulties can be a nightmare when you’re attempting to make a point to a group of people watching a stream.

Below we’ll take a look at some common issues that may be interfering with your screen sharing whilst using StreamYard:

Quality of Internet Connection

One of the most common reasons why someone may be unable to share their screen is due to a poor internet connection.

If the internet doesn’t have enough bandwidth you can experience lagging, poor video playback, and potentially distorted audio.

It is always worth checking the internet speed before attempting to screen share in order to avoid some of these issues.

You can resolve these connection issues with the following methods:

  • If you are using WiFi, it’s worth attempting to connect directly to the router through an ethernet cable. This can dramatically improve a poor connection.
  • If connecting to the router is not possible then try moving closer to it to help boost and strengthen your signal.
  • If you can, ensure people that are using the same network as you do not perform any high bandwidth activities such as downloading files, streaming videos, or playing online games.
  • In rare cases, your problem could be because of an old or faulty router. Before replacing, try restarting your router to see if this solves the problem with your ability to screen share. If it doesn’t, it may be time to purchase a new one.

Checking your Browser Settings

Sometimes issues with sharing your screen can be directly linked to what browser you are using.

Try switching to a different browser, for example, from Firefox to Google Chrome. This could correct any issues.

If this fails to help, ensure you are running the most current version of your browser. An out-of-date browser can cause streaming and screen sharing issues, so check online and update accordingly.

Although it may seem quite obvious, make sure you do not have an unnecessary amount of tabs open. This can use up extra bandwidth and slow down any other applications.

Read here about streamyard & camera issues.


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