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Can Phones & Baby Monitors Be linked? (13 Brands Checked)

Many baby monitors have the ability to connect to your smartphone or tablet.

This can be a convenient feature because it allows you to keep an eye on your child even if you’re far away from home.

You can link up your phone to your baby monitor in a couple of ways.

You may be able to access the audio and video feeds from your smartphone or tablet, or you may be able to control the device with your phone.

In this article we will talk about 13 brands of baby monitors that we checked and if they are able to connect to your phone.

Baby monitors on table in room, space for text. CCTV equipment

Can You Connect a Phone to Motorola Baby Monitors?

Yes, you can connect your phone to Motorola baby monitors. Generally, you can connect same-brand baby monitors and also connect most of them to your phone.

Once connected, you can see what is happening in the room on your phone screen and talk to whoever is there by using special features such as two-way audio and intercom mode.

The app also allows you to access other features such as live streaming and video recording.

The Motorola Connect app is available for both iOS and Android devices. It enables you to view live video from your camera, talk through the device’s microphone, and listen through the speaker on your phone or tablet.

Can You Connect a Phone to VTech Baby Monitors?

Yes, you can connect your phone to VTech baby monitors.

The camera will then be connected through Wi-Fi or Bluetooth to your smartphone or tablet device.

Once connected, you can see what is happening in the room on your phone screen and talk to whoever is there by using special features such as two-way audio and intercom mode.

The app also allows you to access other features such as live streaming and video recording.

VTech makes several different types of baby monitors, including audio models and video monitors.

For all models, you can use the VTech Safe & Sound app to view your baby on a smartphone or tablet.

This feature allows you to talk with your little one through the device, but it doesn’t allow you to see what they’re doing in the nursery.

Can You Connect a Phone to BT Baby Monitors?

Many BT baby monitors have a dedicated parent unit, which means that you can’t pair your phone with them.

Can You Connect a Phone to Summer Baby Baby Monitors?

Summer Infant baby monitors allow you to connect your phone to it and use the app on your phone as the parent unit.

The monitors are compatible with iOS 7.0 (and up) and Android smartphones.

This is useful if you want to be able to see what’s going on in another room, but don’t want to have an extra device on your bedside table or if you don’t have space for another piece of equipment.

Read our blog here about what is the range of Summer Infant baby monitors?

Can You Connect a Phone to Angelcare Baby Monitors?

Angelcare baby monitors do not have the option to connect the video signal to a smartphone or tablet.

You will need another brand of baby monitor if you want to utilize your smartphone as an extra monitor to keep track of your baby’s movement.

Can You Connect a Phone to “Hello Baby” Baby Monitors?

The baby monitors from Hello Baby cannot be connected to smartphones.

The company does not have an app for either iOS or Android.

The only option is to connect another extra screen to the baby unit if you want to have an extra screen for visuals on your baby.

Can You Connect a Phone to Eufy Baby Monitors?

You can connect your phone to the monitor using the app from Eufy. It’s developed specifically to the baby monitors and will work with both iOS and Android so you can keep track of the baby during sleep.

Here’s a link to the app that connects the two.

Read our blog here about the battery life of Eufy baby monitors.

Can You Connect a Phone to Levana Baby Monitors?

The Levana baby monitors will not work with your smartphone. This is a decision made for security reasons. You will not find an app from the Levana baby monitors.

Can You Connect a Phone to Uniden Baby Monitors?

Yes, you can connect your smartphone to your Uniden baby monitor. They have developed an app to let you access the video signal from anywhere so you can monitor the baby while it’s sleeping or playing. 

While it’s not the most intuitive process, it’s still pretty simple.

Uniden is one of the best-selling baby monitor brands on the market, and we’ve noticed a lot of people asking if they can connect their phone to their Uniden monitor.

Can You Connect a Phone to Samsung Baby Monitors?

Yes, you can access your Samsung baby monitor signal from the smartphone.

However, in most instances you can only watch the baby and not use any other features from the baby monitor such:

  • speak back function
  • moving the camera
  • etc.

However, you can install the app and check on your baby via your smartphone.

Can You Connect a Phone to Infant Optics Baby Monitors?

No, you cannot connect your smartphone or tablet device to the Infant Optics DXR-8.

The camera has a built-in WiFi transmitter that allows you to stream video and sound directly from the parent unit only.

Can You Connect a Phone to Oricom Baby Monitors?

Yes, you can connect your smartphone or tablet device to the Oricom Baby Monitor.

You can check in on the sound, temperature, and also motion from your baby. You can even get alerts to your smartphone so it will stay alert for you and monitor the baby.

These work with both Android and iOS devices.

Can You Connect a Phone to VAVA Baby Monitors?

No you cannot connect your VAVA baby monitor to your smartphone. There is no app for it, and you will need another brand if you want to use your phone to monitor your child.

Important Things About Connecting

The idea of linking your phone to a baby monitor is simple — you can use the app on your phone to see what your baby sees or hear what your baby hears.

You can even talk to your baby through the monitor.

But there are some issues with this.

For one thing, you need an internet connection for it to work. If there’s no internet connection, then the app won’t work.

That means that if there’s a power outage or something else happens to mess up your home internet connection, then you won’t be able to use the app anymore either.

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