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Music Streaming Demographics: 67 User Facts & Numbers [2023]

Music streaming services such as Spotify have gained a lot of users over the last decade.

Here is a thorough demographic breakdown of the user base.

Quick Demographic Facts About Music Streaming

  • Global music subscribers increased 26.4% to 523.9 million during recent years (2021-2022).
  • Music streaming makes up 84% of the U.S. music industry’s revenue.
  • 82.1 million Americans are paid subscribers to on-demand music streaming.
  • Americans stream on average 75 minutes of music per day.
  • Music streaming is the dominant format in the US, with 83% of revenue coming from the format.
  • In 2021, music streaming revenue in the United States surpassed 12.4 billion U.S. dollars, more than double the figure recorded four years earlier.
  • Percentages of music streaming revenue are lower in Europe and Asia compared to the US, but all countries are gradually adopting streaming as their primary format for music listening.

Here are demographic numbers specific to Spotify.

General User Demographics of Music Streaming

  • The majority of online music streaming service users fall within the age range of 14 to 17 years old. In certain western developed nations, such as the United States and the United Kingdom, the user age can extend down to as young as 11 years old.
  • Approximately 524 million people around the world listen to music through streaming services, which surged by 26.4% in the last few years.
  • Music streaming constitutes 84% of the U.S. music industry’s revenue, with 82.1 million Americans being paid subscribers to on-demand music streaming services.
  • On average, Americans spend 75 minutes per day streaming music.
  • In Europe and Asia, the percentages of music streaming revenue are lower than in the United States, although streaming adoption rates are increasing progressively in these regions as a primary method for music consumption.

Music Streaming Age Demographics

  • In the United States, during the first quarter of 2020, a survey revealed that 73% of respondents aged 15 to 25 and 26 to 35 streamed or downloaded music or radio on a weekly basis.
  • Subscription audio streaming usage is highest among younger demographics. In fact, 2 out of 3 Millennials and Gen Z’s globally subscribe to music streaming services.
  • Just over half (51%) of adults aged 18-29 listen to music on streaming services every day – this is more than twice the share of adults overall who do the same.

Music Streaming Gender Demographics

  • Female or mixed-gender artists account for 23.2% of all music streamed on Spotify, whereas male artists dominate the remaining percentage.
  • 44% of Spotify listeners identify as women.
  • Women stream 32.3% of female or mixed-gender artists, while men stream only 18.1% from these groups.
  • In the U.S., female artists are most prevalent in the pop genre between 2012 and 2021.
  • Gen Z females spend an average of 30 hours per month streaming music on Spotify, whereas males spend approximately 33 hours per month.
  • Both Gen Z and Millennials contribute significantly to streaming numbers, with Gen Z averaging 97 minutes per day and Millennials averaging 76 minutes per day.

Ethnicity Demographics

  • White, non-Hispanic actors make up 81.2% of all recurring characters on broadcast, cable, and streaming platforms.
  • Music streaming penetration rate in Brazil from 2017 to 2022 shows a continual increase, emphasizing its growth among diverse populations.

Music Streaming App Revenue and Usage

  • Music streaming apps generated $25.1 billion revenue in 2021, a 32% increase on the year prior.
  • Almost half of all music streaming app revenue was from the US.

Subscriber Overview

  • 42% of music streamers are Gen X (35-54 years old).
  • 39% of music streamers are Millennials (between 18-34 years old).
  • The majority of streamers are single (58%).

U.S. Geographic Distribution

  • 78% of streamers live in urban areas

Average Income Level

  • A considerable portion of music streaming subscribers fall under the age group of 25-34, representing an income demographic that tends to have more disposable income.
  • College graduates are more likely to subscribe to paid streaming services, with their income range providing room for discretionary spending on entertainment and media consumption.
  • Higher income households, earning over $75,000 per year, are more likely to pay for premium streaming services in comparison to those with lower annual earnings.

In terms of specific numbers:

  • Approximately 40% of U.S. adults who use music streaming services and have an annual income of at least $75,000 are subscribed to a premium music streaming service.
  • Users with annual household incomes between $30,000 and $74,999 constitute around 35% of the music streaming market.
  • Those earning below $30,000 per year make up around 25% of music streaming service subscribers.

It’s essential to recognize that these percentages may not be static, as they are subject to change with shifts in the economy and spending habits.

Other Interesting Facts About Music Streaming

  • Global music subscribers increased by 26.4% to 523.9 million over the last few years.
  • Music streaming makes up 84% of the U.S. music industry revenue.
  • In 2021, music streaming revenue in the United States surpassed 12.4 billion U.S. dollars, more than double the figure recorded four years earlier.
  • Music streaming is the dominant format in the US, with 83% of revenue coming from the format.
  • The music streaming industry has more than 616 million users worldwide.
  • There are 90 million or 17.6% more subscribers to music streaming services compared to the previous year.
  • Music streaming generates almost $17 billion revenue per year.
  • The music streaming industry is estimated to reach $36.34 billion in revenue by 2026.


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