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Do Extension Cords Contain Copper? (We Checked)

Most extension cords are constructed of two insulated wires, one that carries the current, and one that serves as a ground wire.

The insulation on these wires is usually PVC. And the reason for that is because it’s cheap and easy to find. However, it can also be brittle and prone to cracking or breaking if it gets too cold or hot.

The second wire in an extension cord is typically made from copper because it’s strong, conductive, and easy to work with. You’ll find it in all sorts of electrical devices such as:

  • lamps,
  • door bells,
  • switches
  • and outlets.

In this article, I will talk about if extension cords contain copper.

Here’s If Extension Cords Contain Copper:

Extension cords often contain copper in most cases. The higher the gauge, the more copper will often be used. The amount of cobber in a 10 feet extension cord or electrical wire will amount to $5-10 of value. However, it’s a costly and time-consuming process to get the cobber out of the wires.

Copper wires on rolls

If you want an extension cord that contains copper, then you should consider an outdoor extension cord, which is designed with a thicker gauge of wire and a larger diameter that allows it to carry more current without overheating or burning out.

You should also make sure that the connection between your plug and outlet is grounded so that any excess energy can be safely discharged through the ground wire rather than into your device or appliance.

How Much Is It Worth (and how do you get the cobber out?)

Check out this guy who actually takes out the cobber from a 10 feet (30-meter) extension cord.

It’s pretty interesting!

Do All Extension Cords Contain Copper?

The average extension cord is made up of a copper conductor and an insulating material. The insulation prevents the copper from coming in contact with other parts of the cord and vice versa. There are many different types of insulating materials used in extension cords, but it’s usually some type of plastic or rubber.

If you’re looking for a specific type of cord, check the packaging or label to see what type of insulation it uses before purchasing.

If you’re not sure, it’s best to play on the side of caution and use insulated tools when working with electricity or using any tool that would come in contact with water (such as a weed whacker).

Cords that are intended for indoor use only are not as exposed to moisture or water. However, they may still contain some amount of copper — most likely in the form of wires within the cord itself.

What Exactly Are Extension Cords Made Of?

Extension cords are made up of multiple layers, which can vary depending on the type of cord you have. The outermost layer is called the jacket, which is usually made from rubber or plastic.

Some jackets have a braided design and some don’t.

The jacket protects the inner components from water damage and also ensures that wires within the cord don’t fray over time.

The next layer is called the insulation layer, which is usually made from rubber or plastic. It serves to protect wires inside the cord from electrical current by preventing exposure between them and creating an insulator between conductors and ground potentials.

This prevents electric shock in case of mishandling or misuse of your extension cord by someone else.

We recommend using surge protectors when in doubt:

A surge protector is always a good idea to be on the safe side – ESPECIALLY if you don’t know if your main electrical panel has a surge breaker installed.

Check out this blog here about do extension cords reduce power?

How Can I Know If It Contains Copper?

Most extension cords are made of rubber, but some contain plastic. The most common type of plastic used in extension cords is polyvinyl chloride (PVC). PVC is a chemical compound that contains chlorine.

The easiest way to tell if your extension cord contains copper is by looking at its label; most manufacturers will list whether their product contains copper or not on the product label itself.

In addition, many manufacturers will stamp their products with a UL-recognized logo that confirms that their product meets safety standards set forth by Underwriters Laboratories (UL).

How Much Copper Is in an Extension Cord?

You will often find $5-10 worth of cobber in a 10 feet extension cable. It will be around 5x2x1 inches of cobber in a block, if you were to burn the thing and turn the cobber into a block.

The answer to this question is not always as simple as it seems, however.

In fact, the amount of copper in an extension cord depends on many factors such as:

  • The type of material used to make the cord (copper or aluminum)
  • The gauge size of the wire used to make your extension cord
  • The number of plugs on your extension cord (more plugs require more copper)

How Much Is the Value of the Copper in a Single Extension Cord?

The answer depends on how long it is and what gauge it is made from. With a standard outdoor extension cord at 16 gauge and 30 feet, you will normally have an amount of cobber worth only $5-10.

A heavier gauge will also contain more copper because there’s more insulation needed around each strand of wire to protect them from overheating or short-circuiting.

How Much Are Scrap Extension Cords Worth?

Scrap extension cords are worth anywhere from $1.50 to $7.00 per pound, depending on the type of cord, the length and how much metal is left on it.

If you have hundreds of meters of scrap extension cords that need recycling, we recommend selling it as is.

Different types of extension cords have different scrap values.

Here are some common types:

  • Standard, three-pronged extension cords are usually made from PVC plastic and copper wire. They can be found in most homes and offices, and they’re great for light-duty household tasks such as vacuuming or washing dishes. The scrap value for standard extension cords is low because they’re so common. You may find that you have several standard cords that need to be removed from your home or office, but they won’t be worth much when you sell them at a recycling center or online auction site like eBay or Craigslist.
  • Heavy-duty extension cords are made with thicker insulation and thicker wires than standard cords have. They’re designed for use with heavy appliances like air conditioners or power tools like table saws and planers, which require more power than standard outlets can supply. These types of cables are also known as outdoor extension cords or outdoor power equipment cords because they’re meant to be used outdoors in all weather conditions

Read our blog about does an extension cord effect charging time?


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