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Are Sewing Machine Power Cords Universal? (We Checked)

Power cords can be different lengths and have different connectors. The length of a power cord varies depending on the type of machine and there are thicknesses and gauges to consider.

For example, an industrial-sized sewing machine will have a longer cord than a domestic sewing machine.

The connector on a power cord also varies depending on what type of machine it is used for. Some machines use standard three-pronged outlets while others require polarized plugs with ground connections.

Here’s If Sewing Machine Cords Are Universal:

Sewing machine power cords are universal in the sense that you can use any power cord that fits into the machine. Make sure to always use a power cord that is without any dents so you know it’s working properly. Also, it’s best to use a grounded power cord.

Professional equipment. Modern sewing machine with special pressure foot. The process of sewing a decorative edging cord of blue item of clothing.

Are Power Cords for Sewing Machines Interchangeable?

Some machines have proprietary cords that are designed to work only with that particular machine. Other machines, such as Singer sewing machines, are compatible with standard power cords.

In most cases, the cord for any given brand of sewing machine will be interchangeable with other brands from the same manufacturer (e.g., Singer).

Power cords for sewing machines are usually sold separately from the machine because they can be damaged over time and need to be replaced when this happens.

The cord is attached to a wall outlet or surge protector and then plugged into the back of your sewing machine by an electrical plug that has two or three prongs on it depending on whether your sewing machine is 110V or 220V.

I’m sure you’ve heard the term “universal” applied to power cords. What does this mean? It means that the cord will fit any machine with a matching plug on the end of it.

Read our blog here about are AC power cords universal?

Can You Get Universal Power Cords for Sewing Machines?

Yes, you can get universal power cords for sewing machines. If the power cord fits into the female socket on the machine you’re good to go. Often the power cord will look like the one in the picture above and other times it will look more like this:

These are two of the most used power cords.

However, other sewing machines will have their own standards and use a power cord that also works with the pedal. If that’s the case, the best option is to take a photo of the female end (on the machine) and bring that to the store.

That’s your best option if you lost the power cord for your sewing machine.

If you still have the old power cord layout around – just bring that one to the store or go online and find one that looks just like it.

What Happens If You Use the Wrong Power Cord with a Sewing Machine?

If you use the wrong power cord with your sewing machine you probably won’t be able to fit it into the machine in the first place.

You can use any power cord that works with the machine as long as the other end of the power cord is plugged directly into the wall. Almost any sewing machine will be plugged directly into the outlet on the wall.

A few models will have the power cord installed in the pedal and a separate power cord running from the pedal to the machine – but you will quickly see that when you examine your machine.

How Much Power Do Sewing Machines Normally Use?

It depends on the model and its features.

We found a good guide to it over here by Maria Storgaard at

How Do You Know Which Power Cord to Use?

The best way to know which power cord to use is to check the machine’s owner’s manual.

However, in the event that you don’t have the time or energy to search for the manual, here are some general guidelines.

What Type of Power Cord Do Sewing Machines Generally Use?

Most sewing machines come with an AC power cord that has two or three prongs.

These are North American standard plugs and will work in both Canada and the U.S. If you’re unsure about what type of plug you need for your country or region, check with a local electrician or hardware store for advice on what kind of adapter you’ll need.

If your sewing machine doesn’t come with an AC power cord, or if it’s misplaced, then you’ll need to buy one separately from a local hardware store or online seller such as

You can also purchase universal adapters that let you plug in any type of machine using any standard electrical outlet configuration.

If your sewing machine uses direct current (DC) electricity instead of alternating current (AC), then it will require a DC power supply instead of an AC one.

Where Can You Buy Power Cords for a Sewing Machine?

You can buy power cords directly from your local sewing machine dealer or from an online retailer such as Amazon or eBay.

You can also find compatible replacement parts at places like Sears or Walmart if they have an appliance repair department in their stores.

Here’s what you need to know about each option:

  • Original manufacturer’s cord: This is the safest bet if you want to ensure that your cord will work properly with your machine. If you’re not sure which cord is right for your machine, consult the manual or contact customer service for help.
  • Aftermarket options: These cords aren’t always guaranteed to work with your sewing machine. Some third-party vendors sell cords that are compatible with specific brands or models; others sell generic replacements that might work but won’t be guaranteed compatible by the manufacturer. If nothing else, aftermarket cords tend to be less expensive than the original manufacturer cords because they don’t come in packaging with brand logos printed on them.

Can You Get Longer Power Cords for Sewing Machines?

It’s possible to get longer power cords for your sewing machine.

Some machines come with a short cord, but it’s usually possible to purchase an extension cord that’s long enough for your needs.

However, make sure to only use a short extension cord and not a super long one. The sewing machine may overheat if you use a very long extension cord of poor quality (low gauge).

Many Sewing Machine Brands Offer Longer Power Cords

Some brands offer longer power cords as an option, but they aren’t always available. Some manufacturers will sell longer cords separately and others will not offer them at all.

If you are concerned about running out of room on your machine’s power cord, check with the manufacturer before purchasing one so you don’t end up with an unusable model.

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