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Hootsuite & Proofpoint | 10 Things You Should Know (Explained)

Social media is the fastest way to get your reputation growing. It’s an excellent way to promote your brand, but if it’s not properly managed, it’s also the fastest way to destroy your reputation.

That is why it pays to have security measures in place to help you manage the risks of your brand and address any issues that may permanently damage your brand.

There are two services that offer brand reputation management that work together: Hootsuite and Proofpoint.

Here’s What You Need to Know About Hootsuite and Proofpoint:

Hootsuite is a social media management tool, while Proofpoint is a cyber-security service that provides risk assessment for social network publishing. To use Proofpoint with Hootsuite, you must have a subscription to the Hootsuite Enterprise plan.

1. Does Hootsuite Work with Proofpoint?

Hootsuite works with Proofpoint, which can integrate with the social media manager if you have an Enterprise plan. 

Using Proofpoint with Hootsuite gives you an added layer of protection when publishing content on your social media accounts.

2. Does Hootsuite Include Email Protection for Malware?

Hootsuite does not have email protection for malware.

That is where services like Proofpoint come in, as it comes with email protection.

3. Does Hootsuite Integrate Directly with Proofpoint?

You can integrate Hootsuite with your Proofpoint subscription.

You can use Proofpoint to screen all or select social network accounts for certain content and flag content. Proofpoint can also serve as a third-party filter system to examine all posts before publishing.

To integrate Hootsuite with Proofpoint, follow these steps:

  • Open your Proofpoint account settings
  • Under External Apps, look for the Access Key and keep it handy.
  • Then go to My Profile in the Hootsuite dashboard and choose Social Networks and Teams.
  • Click the gear icon beside the organization name, and open the Settings.
  • Select Connect with Nexgate.
  • Provide your Proofpoint email address and the Access key
  • Click Submit Token.
  • Save the changes you made and exit the Settings.

4. Do People Use Proofpoint and Hootsuite Together?

To use Proofpoint with Hootsuite, you must have a subscription to the Hootsuite Enterprise plan.

The bulk of Hootsuite subscriptions are not at the Enterprise level, and because of this, it’s not a hugely popular integration.

Proofpoint and Hootsuite are only integrated by businesses that maintain an Enterprise plan on Hootsuite, as well as a Proofpoint Digital Risk Protection service plan.

Here are few things in our article that you should know about Hootsuite & Slack

5. Are There any Known Bugs between Proofpoint and Hootsuite?

According to Hootsuite’s dedicated page for bugs, there are no known issues between the two services.

6. What Email Protection Software Do People Typically Use with Hootsuite?

People don’t normally use email protection software with Hootsuite since it is not an email service.

While it can integrate with email services, this feature is limited to analytics for email marketing services. Since Hootsuite can’t send email, it doesn’t have email protection available.

7. What Can You Do with Hootsuite and Proofpoint?

Using Proofpoint with Hootsuite allows you to track all social network profiles related to your brand under one location.

Here are Proofpoint’s key capabilities on Hootsuite:

  • Proofpoint lets you create an audit of all existing assets on social media.
  • Proofpoint increases brand security by protecting key accounts from hacks, lockouts, data breach, or employee misuse.
  • Using Proofpoint also gives you risk detection to prevent potential damages to your brand because of a single post. The proprietary Hootsuite-Proofpoint pre-publish review can help you spot problems in your content before it gets published.
  • Proofpoint also helps you align your content so that it follows brand standards and company policies. It will flag any posts that seem to be risky using patent-pending neuro-linguistic technology.

8. Why Should You Use Proofpoint with Hootsuite?

Using Proofpoint with Hootsuite is all about protecting your brand’s reputation on social media.

As pointed out in the Hootsuite-Proofpoint product briefer, a single faux pas on social media can easily destroy your brand’s reputation and will be costly to repair.

The briefer cited research by David Houlihan, the principal analyst of Blue Hill Research, which asserted that a single mistake on social media can cost a business an average of $3.5 million in damages.

That is why brand protection through services like Proofpoint help businesses scan outgoing posts for potential damaging effects before anyone sees them.

You can look at Proofpoint as a system that helps calculate risks, like how AdEspresso, another Hootsuite business, computes the effectiveness of ads. (You can read more about AdEspresso here.)

9. How Do You Use the Post-Screening Feature on Hootsuite?

If you want all social media posts screened by Proofpoint, here is what you need to do:

  • Open My Profile on Hootsuite, then go to Social Networks and Teams.
  • Click on Social Networks under the name of the group.
  • Choose the social network account you’d like to screen from the list on the left, then click on Profile Settings.
  • Switch the toggle here to set-up pre-review. Make sure it’s selected to enable screening.
  • Once this setting is enabled, all posts made for the social network will go through Proofpoint and be flagged based on the policies in place on your account.

If you don’t enable screening, Proofpoint will examine them after publication.

Note that you need to do this process individually to all social networks you want to be screened by Proofpoint.

10. What Other Tools Does Hootsuite Use to Protect Your Brand?

One of Hootsuite’s powerful features is its ability to scan social media and other platforms on the Internet for conversations about your brand or industry.

At its most basic, Hootsuite lets you create keyword streams that scan Twitter for mentions of words and phrases you select.

With add-ons available with the Business and Enterprise plans, Hootsuite lets users take advantage of its social listening feature, Insights.

With Insights, you can dig deep into analytics and study your audience’s demographics like gender and location, so that you can join conversations and interact with your audience in the most informed manner. Read more about Insights here.

Hootsuite users who wish to take advantage of social listening but don’t have a Business or Enterprise plan should consider integrating Brandwatch or the Talkwalker app with Hootsuite.

Check out the articles Hootsuite & Brandwatch | 9 Things You Should Know and Hootsuite & Talkwalker | 8 Things You Should Know.

Final Thoughts

Social media is an excellent tool, but your reputation can be destroyed by a single, poorly executed social media post.

Tools like Hootsuite and Proofpoint can help you manage the risks of your brand, and they are worth looking into if brand security is something you are particularly concerned about. 



Proofpoint and Hootsuite: Protect Your Brand and Secure Your Social Enterprise 

Add publishing security with Proofpoint


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