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Hootsuite & Email Marketing | 9 Things You Should Know

Hootsuite is a multi-faceted tool that can help you boost your brand.

While Hootsuite is focused on social media, it also offers integrations with other marketing tools, including tools that deal with email marketing.

Here Is What You Need to Know about Email Marketing and Hootsuite:

While Hootsuite cannot send email as part of a marketing campaign, it can integrate with the email marketing services Mailchimp and Constant Contact. With these integrations, you can gather analytics and review reports from your email campaigns within Hootsuite. 

1. Does Hootsuite Do Email Marketing?

On its own, Hootsuite cannot do email marketing.

You need to integrate third-party services if you want to do email marketing within Hootsuite.

The most you can do on Hootsuite when it comes to email is sending social media content from Hootsuite to an email address.

2. Is Hootsuite Known for its Email Marketing Features?

Hootsuite is not known for its email marketing integrations.

Rather, Hootsuite is known for its social media management tools that help you synchronize content publishing across your social media accounts.

Hootsuite also provides tools for data gathering to give you an idea of how your brand is performing on social media.

3. Which Email Marketing Software Programs Does Hootsuite Integrate with?

Hootsuite is known for integrating with the email marketing programs Mailchimp and Constant Contact.

4. What Email Marketing Software Do People Typically Use with Hootsuite?

Hootsuite can integrate with the email marketing software Mailchimp and Constant Contact.

Between the two services, Mailchimp seems to be the preferred choice, given its ease of use and features.

In the Hootsuite App Directory, Mailchimp received a higher rating and has more reviews than Constant Contact.

Check our email user demographics stats.

5. Should I Integrate Email Marketing with Hootsuite?

Integrating email marketing with your Hootsuite account depends on your needs.

Whether you’re integrating Mailchimp or Constant Contact with Hootsuite, there are limits to what the integration can do. You cannot send emails through Hootsuite.

Email marketing apps on Hootsuite are mostly about seeing the success rate and analytics of your email campaigns within the Hootsuite interface.

Another thing to remember is that when you add email marketing services such as Mailchimp to your Hootsuite dashboard, you are exposing the email addresses in your mailing list to a potential—though unlikely—data breach.

While Hootsuite has stringent data privacy policies and measures in place, there is always the risk of a data breach when you integrate any service.

If you are worried about possible data breaches, then you should not connect your email marketing tools with Hootsuite.

After all, Hootsuite’s integration with email marketing tools is limited to the analytics-side of your digital marketing efforts, so it may not be worth the risk.

But, if you are after a unified setup to compare the growth of your email lists and your social media following for harmonized reporting, then you should consider adding your email marketing tools with Hootsuite.

Note, there are some known issues in Outlook that you should know about.

6. Can Hootsuite Send Emails to Your Lists?

Hootsuite cannot send emails to your lists, even when you integrate services like Mailchimp and Constant Contact.

Unless you are using triggering integrations like Zapier or Tray, the functions of Mailchimp or Constant Contact within Hootsuite is restricted to analytics.

7. What Is Hootsuite Usually Used for?

Hootsuite first started as a tool to synchronize different Twitter accounts.

It has since evolved into a full-fledged social media management system that lets you plan and schedule content, review reach data, and collect insights about your audience from the web.

While it features other services pertaining to topics outside social media, Hootsuite remains mainly a tool for social media management.

8. Are There any Other Social Media Management Tools that also Do Email Marketing?

There are a few services that offer both email marketing and social media management.

Here are two examples that may work for you:

Salesforce Marketing Cloud and CRM Solution

If you are looking for an all-in-one solution that integrates social media publishing and email marketing, you should look at Salesforce Marketing Cloud.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud is a platform the helps you send content to your different channels so that your brand can deliver your message using the right medium and approach.

Marketing Cloud is also fully customizable, so you can opt to get all or a select few services from Salesforce.

Aside from social media publishing and email marketing, Marketing Cloud features solutions for ads management and data analysis.

If you are using the Salesforce CRM system, Marketing Cloud goes hand-in-hand with it.

Check out our article about Salesforce and Hootsuite here


If you think the cost of Salesforce is steep, then you will be pleased to know that Mailchimp also offers social media management and email marketing at a lower cost. They even have a free plan!

Mailchimp is limited to managing only Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, but considering that these platforms are the most popular, that’s not bad at all.

What can you expect from Mailchimp’s social media management?

Aside from organic posting, analytics, and scheduling features, Mailchimp offers ads for Facebook and Instagram.

There is also a retargeting and remarketing tool that helps you convert visitors to your social media into leads and sales.

Check out our article that delves into the details about Hootsuite and Mailchimp here

9. What Benefits Do You Get from Using Email Marketing Tools with Hootsuite?

The primary benefit you get from integrating Hootsuite with your email marketing is the very essence of Hootsuite’s existence: to provide users with a more streamlined workspace that keeps everything in a single place.

That means no need to jump from one system to another to compile data.

The integration of Hootsuite with email marketing focuses on the analytics side, meaning you can compile reports on the performance of your digital assets.

You get to have them in a single system, which also lessens the risks of mishandling or making mistakes with data.

Final Thoughts:

Social media and email marketing are two services that are here to stay.

The beauty of social media and email lists is that you know that everyone who signs up or follows your accounts is a potential customer.

The fact that they signed up for that newsletter or followed your brand on social media says that they are interested in what you have to offer.

All you need to do now is find a way to engage them so that they become loyal customers of your brand!

Looking for more info on Hootsuite’s ability to work with email? Check out our articles Does Hootsuite Do Email Marketing? (Explained!) and Does Hootsuite Support Email?.



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Salesforce Marketing Cloud

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